ARMY Project 529

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Bangtan Iconic Moments: Part I

Well hello everyone... Christina here, and this is my first blog for AP529! In case anyone was wondering, I dabble in the graphic design space for the project. Which means that when I get a design idea, I will usually hunker down and create it with the intention of using it for merch. But as the project progressed, we realized that sometimes Baby ARMY might hear more seasoned ARMY use phrases or acronyms referring to a very specific time/place/look for BTS, and perhaps be confused. What in the heck is an "Eyedrop Jin"? Who exactly is "Kitty Gang Jimin"? Well, buckle up my ARMY friends, because this is Part 1 of a guided tour of Bangtan's most iconic looks!


Here at AP529 we always go in Fanchant order. Seems only fair then that “Sexy Nukim” Namjoon is the first on our list, because WOWZA. When a room full of idols and industry folk suddenly gasp and take out their phones to record, you know something special is happening. And that something special took the form of our beloved leader in an all-black, turtlenecked business sexy (Is that a thing? Business Sexy? It is now) ensemble while he accompanied Balming Tiger for the song “Sexy Nukim”. Now if Kim Namjoon isn’t your bias, don’t worry. Nah, scratch that. Definitely worry. His confidence, his voice—this man was THE MOMENT in this performance and everyone knew it. Bless your eyes with this video IMMEDIATELY. I don’t care how many times you may have already seen it.

Speaking of eyes - we have so much footage of BTS doing normal, everyday stuff, you would think the simple act of eyecare would be nothing extraordinary. However, one does not simply apply eyedrops to the world’s most handsome eyeballs without fanfare. Kim Seokjin had 0 reasons and 0 need to look this stunning while curing his dry eyes, but here we are. And now, the video that launched a thousand ophthalmologist’s dreams—Eyedrop Jin.

Now that your eyes are prepped and well-moisturized, let us take a gander at the next unholy moment. Pink Silk Yoongi—aptly named for this lovely pajama set—had not a care in the world for the collective sanity of ARMY when he came out on stage in this outfit. Seeing the members in bedroom-wear already ahem makes ARMY think, uhhh…stuff, but Yoongi stands out in this performance because he just oozes sensual vibes and confidence. And to make matters much, much worse—here is where he mentions WHY the pajama outfit is so comfortable. Min Yoongi. How dare you, sir? We beg of you. We are not as strong as you think we are. See the slinky magic for yourself in the video below.

There are certain performances that stand out for the excellence of the choreography, and Jung Hoseok is responsible for many of those onstage moments. For this look however, no dancing was required to make ARMY collectively clutch their chests as hearts around the world exploded. Dior Hobi is a Roman Empire for many ARMY, and with good reason. The harness, the chains, the boots - this look is a cross between Jason Bourne-esque tactical gear & runway model swagger, and lives were 100% changed. Watch j-hope become your bias in real time with the video. You’ll never return - you have been permanently j-hoped.

There are many reasons in this Bora-world to yell JIMIN-SHIIIIII at Park Jimin. Like when he’s being exceptionally cute and you want to throw your phone… when his vocals make you ascend to another plane of existence… or when his body rolls make you say goodbye to your last shred of sanity—this man has many ways to destroy ARMY. However, this performance in Hong Kong (insert giggle—iykyk) was especially damaging. The bedazzled jacket, purple hair, and tight leather pants are great, but this outfit seemed to amplify his natural sensuality exponentially. Why Kitty Gang Jimin? Where does the “kitty gang” part come from? Wait, what were we talking about again…just, just watch it.

Kim Taehyung, you rascal. We know you love giving us heavenly vocals, and soft sultry looks. But we also know a secret—you love the Rap Line and all things BTS hip-hop. So it comes as no surprise to all of us when you perform “Mic Drop” like rent is past-due. V’s facial expressions and aggressive energy match perfectly. This man put on a checkered headband and performed the hell out of this song at the 2018 Seoul Music Awards. Thank you, Mic Drop Tae. Truly. Vlessings to us all.

And finally, we end with Airplane Pt. 2 JK absolutely eating up the stage for this rendition of “Airplane Pt. 2” in Hong Kong. We don’t know exactly what he ate for breakfast that morning, but from the moment the spotlight hits—Jeon Jung Kook owns that whole place body and soul. Hand in pocket, glancing off to the side with a cocky smirk, rolling his head back—he takes his time sauntering down the runway to join the rest of his members for the actual song performance. As he absolutely should. The all-white suit and Latin-inspired dance moves are awesome, but it’s the look of pure “I’m the KING” on his face that makes this iconic. Come for the JK but stay to watch OT7 rock the socks off their 2018 MAMA performance.

Well that’s Part I, everybody! Did you enjoy? Are there iconic looks that you would like to see for Part II? Comment here and let me know! And special thanks to the Lovely Leslie for her research and links provided for this piece.

Take care & BORAHAE!


UPDATE: This blog post now has a YouTube video version!